Sunday, October 19, 2008

Freslook Intercampus search 2008

Freshlook Intercampus search 2008 is now started the voting session. There are 50 pairs of freshlook teams waiting for u guys and gals supportssss!! Come and visit and see all the top 50 and vote for your favourites!! Its free!!!!

You have to sign up as a voter before u start voting. Each day u have 5 votes by online in freshlooksearch2008 official website itself. once u sign up as a voter everyday there are 5 votes in your hand...dun waste it and make sure u vote everyday~~~Best voters are going to win freshlook products and cash total worth RM2000!!!

SO what are you waiting for??!! COME and ViSit now & SIGN UP as a voter and vote for us~~~:D THANKS Friends!!

To sign up to be a voter:

See all the top 50 freshlook teams:

TQ for support!

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