Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Catch me on Ntv 7 this 22 Nov~~J-mode search 2008!!

Dear all,
I have made it to the final for the J-model Search!!
Catch me on ntv7 this 22 November 1:30pm for a live interview session. The grand finale will be held at Cineleisure on the 29 and 30 November…. Please drop by and give me some support!!!
Also, please please please vote for me….
Type JM 2 send to 36113. 50 cents will be charge per sms. Thanks!!

more info:

Monday, November 3, 2008


相信大家都听过这样**的问题吧..当你的爱人和母亲同时掉进湖里,你会先救谁?你会怎么回答, 怎么作出选择呢? 或许这不是很好的例子.就比方说而已啦..

当遇上这种情形, 真的左右为难..手掌是肉,手背又是肉…该怎么取舍呢?来个深呼吸,深思深思..作出两全其美,不然…就残酷21吧 !

Thanks Elaine.. bye freshlook > <